Wine, the best ally for Valentine’s Day

Pareja y vino disfrutar del amor y del amor por el vino.

Whether you have a partner or not, accompanying such a special day with your favorite wine is always a very good idea. After all, Valentine’s Day is a perfect excuse to celebrate the love of wine.

If you are looking for a perfect evening, you are in the right place because a good wine is the ideal complement for an occasion like this.

Origins of wine

If we go back to the origins of wine, the first indications about the vine come from Mesopotamia (6,000 – 5,000 B.C.), although it is in Egypt in 3,000 B.C. where wine making really begins to be valued. But it was in Greece and Rome that it became a divine drink with the Greek god Dionysus and the Roman god Bacchus. In the Old Testament the vine symbolizes fertility and human reproduction. In Judeo-Christian customs, wine is considered a creator of bonds. As you can see, this is a drink with as much history as love itself.

There are many quotes about wine, but probably the one that resonates the most for a day like today is that
Wine sows poetry in hearts.
(Dante Alighieri)


We recommend these 4 wines for you to decide which is the best option for you. Of course, without losing your head and in moderation. 

We are sure you will fall in love with them.


A wine full of nuances, ideal for you to discover on such a special day. Of a lemon yellow color with glints of gold, clean, bright and very glyceric tear. It is an intense wine on the nose with notes of fennel, nutshell, aniseed and hints of freshly cut hay, as well as hints of smoke and incense, mixed with elegant mineral notes. The palate is velvety and silky with great volume and structure. At the same time, the balanced acidity adds freshness. A long and tasty wine, with a mineral aftertaste and an even more intense retronasal sensation when smelling it. Ideal for grilled and baked fish or for arroz caldero and arroz a banda.

A wine of an intense purple color, with violet glints and abundant, colored and dense tears that will make you enjoy it to the fullest. Very aromatic with notes of black fruits and ripe sloes, with a very marked mineral profile and hints of vanilla, spices and tobacco that give it great character. It is dominated by the typical freshness of the “Valpiedras” with a long, mineral finish, with hints of fine wood and great freshness. A great choice for pots of vegetables and legumes, and for white meats. Like a good love, this wine will make you feel spectacular.

A pure, clean wine, like first love, it will capture you instantly. Bright as the first emotions, with medium-high intensity and bluish and violet tones. With aromas of red and black fruits with milky aromas. Smooth entry on the palate, very friendly, round and long aftertaste. Especially for artisan cured meats, it pairs particularly well with ham tapas and cured and blue-veined cheeses. It harmonizes very well with white meats and sausages in general. 

A sweet, delicious wine, lemon yellow in color, with frosted green glints, clean, bright, with a very glyceric tear. On the nose, the nose is reminiscent of stone fruits such as peach and apricot and white flowers such as jasmine, fennel flower and hemp plant; spices such as anise, fennel and nutmeg. Velvety and silky flavor with development of a gourmand volume. It has a long and tasty finish with great freshness as a good romance that pairs particularly well with desserts and fruits of all kinds, although it can also be served as a dessert in itself. 


The pairings are infinite and seductive, but as in love, there are no rules to follow, so it all depends on what you feel like.


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